Integrity as a word and its usage was introduced into my vocabulary when Al Pacino delivered his famous speech in the movie “The Scent of a Woman”. The idea as he says was that since Charlie is not a snitch he has integrity. He was standing up for what he believes and is not afraid of the consequences. He ends up saying that this is what the leader should be made of.
Forget leaders for a while. I believed that this is what a Just human should be made of. But over the past year this idea of integrity and the possibilities of following it or breaking it have been making rounds in my grey cells. The conflict inside me has I think reduced my testosterone levels even though studies suggest that marriage is directly linked to the reduction of the former.
So the fact that the threat of resignation will help you get what you want is a strong tool. Next question, Is it ethical? Once you do that do you consider yourself to be a man at the same benchmark of integrity? Oh there is a dichotomy here. One part of the world (Lets call this NE) says, this is pure business. By resigning you are just reminding that you are really required for the company which otherwise they had taken for granted. NE part of the world also goes on saying that unless it is absolutely necessary a company wont change something that is already working and hence such a big disruption is needed to get the results. The fallback is that the company might realize that you are not actually required and if the threat was just a threat then you are in a big soup.
Now the other world (let’s call this E) thinks this act is absolutely unethical as one is taking advantage of a weakness. For most part of my professional life I have been a part of this E. Just the fact that I wrote this blog, proves my doubts about the idea. Not really going into the miniscule details of this idea, the central theme is if after resignation one is good enough for a job, he was good enough before that. All that is required is to convince the company about this. The flipsides, one may have to wait too long and by time he gets what he wants the opportunity is stale and lost its luster. When a person from E resigns, he has to leave as he is supposed to have tried all the arguments and his interests are not inline with the company’s. Hence he has to move and not accept any counter offer. Accepting would mean compromising on the idea of integrity for E.
Open ended right. Now how can one solve this conflict of the mind? I am still trying. As you can see breaking the so called integrity definition of E part of the world gives more flexibility. All you can say “Every action we do is pregnant with possibilities; possibilities which have physical, emotional, social and intellectual implications. The trick is to find the right balance”.

well I can shed some light on this.
I think one question that I might wanna ask is, is World E accd to you all for free speech. If yes then I agree. When I say free speech,I mean do direct reports have open communication with their seniors abt what they want and the seniors communicating openly(professionally but not harshly) what their shortcomings are (and prob ways to achieve what they want).
If their is no chain of communication established no one would ever know what one wanted and what one could possible give. (Leave alone the fact that demand always exceeds supply, of promotion, money etc).
I think ppl of NE are actually playing some sort of game theory since to me world E is a very small one. So everyone is trying to negotiate a better deal.
waaah.... after so long...
KT mentions demand and supply.
may be it is the case with big organisations...They have many equally capable people with less opportunities, hence the inability of allowing everyone to gain access to their choice of opportunity.
Then kicks the different tactics.. Some excel in what is popularly known as ass-licking.. some go for threats like you mentioned... Its a tactic to make yourself "Visible".. after all jo dikhta hai vo bikta hai...
I wud say it will be wrong to Judge these methods. You can't say it is right or wrong. What is wrong for you may not be for the other.
Your way of Marketing yourself is to let your mind known in a decent professional way. It may or may not yield results.
Though ideally speaking, there should be a transparent system like KT has said... proper communication channels - both ways... but too ideal I think..That wud be taking the HUman out of the human resource issue
@KT: I think now in retrospect, the problem is the mediocrity in our industry and might not actually be the communication channels, as it is the "openest" in our industry
@SiD: Yeah after a long time!! Yes, we may not judge the actual rightness of the act. But then "Dikhao pe mat jao.. Apne akal lagao" also holds true..
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