One believes in God, thanks him when something good happens and prays when he wants something good. Then just like that one day God listens to all the prayers and gives something that has always seemed like a dream… The person gets so happy…He is on cloud 9… Flying… He is still catching his breath when God says, enough and a thing very precious that he already had is taken away from him… Now what?? How does he get out of that pit… Was he guilty of not appreciating what he had, or did he wish more or was he just being alive…
No idea… I guess life is a step by step process… One Step at a time that’s the only way out of this pit I guess. As one takes these steps, the thoughts that come to his mind test his attitude and character. Ones belief system and all the principles that have shaped him till now are all shaken and stirred too… Practicality says that one must not think about a problem that is not in your control and that every person will have to suffer the share that is destined… So we have to suffer…
But then suffering is a feeling right.. Why not stop feeling? Why not? Then you realize we are alive because we feel. Sometimes words just flow like this, out of feeling I guess…
I am at the brink right now. Brink of becoming a non-believer in the concept of God and still I pray and say “Please God give me strength to fight this”…
As I said, Life is a bloody ironic Bitch….