It was ironic. Eyes closed he could see light; as he opened his eyes there was darkness all around accompanied with a frightening, chilling silence. He could hear his breathing. He had that dream again, the Big Dream as he loved to call it. It is said that what you dream is directly proportional to what is cooking in your grey cells whole day. Hmmm… then he must be thinking about it day in and day out. So can it be really called a dream? This world is divided into a dichotomy here; ones who say it is and the other who say it can’t be called a dream. Dreams are also symbolic of the sleeplessness, the insomnia one experiences. He hasn’t had a full night sleep for ages now.
He sits up and starts thinking again, what all he needs to procure to realize his dream. He makes a mental list again on his virtual palimpsest. The task he has done umpteen times.
There are so many things he needs to procure!!! He has stopped laughing as the Dream always eludes him. His basic instincts have also diminished. He again lies down trying to give the so needed rest to his body muscles. His mind still wanders, pondering on his elusive dream that he has been chasing.
He wonders, is his dream worth the hardships that he going through? Are his hardships for real? He is doing nothing but think or rather crib, that he needs this or that to realize his dream. Doing Nothing!!! It sends a chill down his spine. His inability, to procure things that will facilitate easier realization of his dream, is rendering him into a state where he is doing NOTHING, waiting for a miracle so that he gets what he needs. But then, he contemplates this idea again today. The syzygy of events around him made him rethink. Why can’t he stop doing nothing? Why should he wait for that miracle? There can be other ways to start off the solution to his problem. They might look tedious but nevertheless there will no stagnation!!! The oxidation of the brain metal will stop, opening up new doors and new tangents of thought… Yes, it is not about…
As this minute hint of the total realization hit him, he plunged into a beautiful deep sleep like never before….