I think therefore "I" am
I am the world.
Close your eyes and imagine a coffee mug.
Now go to cafeteria and pick up a coffee mug and keep it front of you.
Did the coffee mug match your imagination?
How much?
How did you recognize the coffee mug?
The concept of coffee mug and the actual coffee mug are different.
All that we know of world is the concepts of things.
So at a conceptual level you still have 'I' with a name, occupation, face, interests etc; etc;
But 'I' also the entity which perceives this and other objects.
Its 'I' which forms the world around you.
"I" am putting forward my views...when "you" ( actually "I" for you..for me its " you") :-)
"I" is a 9th letter ….one of very few vowels….
"I" is un avoidable in english communication, and its usually used when one referring himself/herself. But, using "I" some times misleading based on context of communication...also might conveys "one"s self-belief...again as I said most of the time context plays very important role . "I" often referred as "Egoistic" in spiritual world. Removing "I" from within is most important.
But,in modern era...we cant leave without using "I" , even though, looks like blowing our own triumph....!! bla bla bla… I feel nothing wrong in it....but, how precisely you put in "I" in your communication always most important.
I" conclude saying....rather asking what is "I", better we should ask "who am "I" ..??
To a remarkable degree the limitation in the personification of others is based on inappropriate and inadequate personification of oneself. Particularly troublesome are the inadequate and inappropriate personification of what can be refered to as 'stereotypes' which again reflect the the limitations in the personification of the self. Stereotypes reflect the inadequate and inapproproate elements in one's own self; thus all the special stereotypes are either poor imitations of ingredients in the personified self or even more inadequate in terms of providing a guide in life , they are not elements from the personification of the self.
I hope you can now relate to the concept of I as "the personification of the self" .
I - Pride if used in the correct way , becomes EGO if used constantly...
For me “I” means the following
1. First it is “Me”.
2. Then it is INDIA
3. Then it is Infosys.
I - The Force
And the Restraining Leash
I - The Love
And the Jealous Heart
I - The Dreamer
And the Cobwebs of Mind
I - The Actor
And the Puppet Strings on Arms
I - The Music
And the Feeling Unexpressed
I - The Beauty
And the Materialistic Eye
I - The Maverick
And the Fear of Alone
Overwhelming response haan… Me had to edit some part to suit the size and structure of this blog.. “I”, according to me is the strongest word translated in any language… We always fail to realize this.. “I”, means independent.. it means responsible.. it means to own… it means the force that drives this society. Without the I, the driving force; this world’s engine would be shutdown…
I am that’s why the world is…
Think about it…