Well after the build up, now the conversation.
In the rest room:
“ahh… What a piss!! Anything you do with this is pleasure”
“It’s Ironic with a tinge of philosophy”
“Yeah, you are right”
“I mean, finally what is important is that. A glass of water, food, sex..”
“Ya, Basic instinct that’s what it is all about”
“Sheer Animal instinct is the word. That’s what finally keeps us happy….”
As they come out:
“But we end up thinking, creating philosophies after philosophies”
“ha ha ha… Well come to think of it, we have the power to..”
“What power?”
“…understand this, that animal instinct is what is needed and nothing else”
“Come on… The Irony as you mentioned starts with this”
In the lift:
“I mean, What’s ironic is that we have the power to understand that it’s the basic instinct that is all that is needed for one being and yet if we didn’t have that power to understand then again we would need the same”
“Yeah.. you are right… Just as they put it… Philosopher is the one who knows that it is no good and “hence” preaches it…”
“So long…”
“So long… See you in the new sun tomorrow”
“Yeah new Sun!!!”
Well ladies and gentlemen, Life is definitely a pun and its up to one’s own will to take the best suited meaning of it….
Dead Phantom