“Ya, See this”
“My gawd… It looks like another ID card na… R-32…”
“But it has my name also on this...”
“Ya… But that so small”
A train of thoughts started to run in his not so grey cells. Why was his name written on this ID in such small letters almost invisible? Maybe, they want to use this only as the ID and abandon the Photo Ids that they had. Maybe, they will give numbers to each person working in the organization to identify them uniquely and that will be only way of identifying one. Names will be immaterial.
Or maybe this is part of a bigger conspiracy… You never know... He couldn’t trust anyone; neither the government, nor the media or his others sources. All are biased in one way or the other and all have lied. The lie painted so beautifully that all have to accept it. Hmmm…
Ya it must be the government’s new initiative or conspiracy so to say. Maybe his worst nightmares or the best opportunities are coming to life. Individualism will seize to exist. All will think alike and will be identified alike. Spelled similar, called similar and hence there will be no discrimination.
We would hear conversations like…
“R-32, did you have your food?”
“Yes R-56 I am done with my food”
Roll calls will be taken like this…
“Present R-35”
“Present R-35”
Statements like. “What does your name mean?” would have no significance what so ever. The basic identifier “name” would become so indistinguishable that all the individualism would seize to exist. No thought of his own.
Everything cleverly thought about by a man or a group of men who want the ultimate power; a power beyond any imagination; a power never fathomed of….. The power on the thought process of the most complex computing thing ever conceived of, a human brain!!!
Is it really possible? Yes, it is with all the conditions being satisfied one by one; all things becoming so mechanical and methodical; with questions like “Its working fine that way. Why do you want to change it?” being asked more frequently…
Then he thought; would he be the one who would be that man… or be part of that group of those men? Why not? Power is sweet…
“Dude… What happened? Are you fine? We have a meeting with the architect now. Let’s go”
“Ya… Let’s go...” He was smiling to himself…
He thought aloud…
“Maybe it might happen one day”
“Nothing… Let’s go to the meeting…”