That means again we have had our appraisals… Yes, the act of classification of someone with respect to ones worth.
Don’t stop reading now… I am not going to crib about my appraisal…
So why did I at all mention about it? All we do after appraisal is crib right???
Well to a great extent yes, but this cribbing comes in various sizes, shapes and colors depending on the intensity of the personality…
A rainbow is caused when the mighty Sun shines onto soft droplets of moisture. The same sun, the same water but 7 different colors…
Don’t go into physics and start analyzing the statements now, just read along to know the different colors of corporate cribbing after appraisal…
The Green Goblin…
In places where talking about % hike is not a crime (It is not in fact!!!), the green goblins are a common place.
Green symbolizes jealously and so does the green goblin’s cribbing style… In this style, the cribbing is triggered by the fact that, one has got more and one hasn’t. It is neither qualitative nor quantitative. Comparison is the key word in this style of cribbing and what is compared has no rules!!! Yes cribbing doesn’t need rules!!!!
The Red Crab…
These crabs are rare species and are scattered in all the environments irrespective of any pre-conditions. This kind of cribbing is characterized by extreme rage, shouting and making life sick for all those who are working with the crab. The read crabs are dangerous and almost always end the cribbing by changing their homes!!!
The Blue Whale…
These are the gentle giants and they are the most silent cribbers. They are the loyalists, the faithful and they are generally called Chu’s by the Crabs and the Goblins because of this attitude. In their style of cribbing, it is all self assuring talk. You hear statements like “It’s alright…”, “Money is not the ultimate goal…”, “He said I will get onsite…” and stuffs like… “Chodo yaar… Mast raho…” It is very difficult to predict the next step of these gentle giants…
The White Tiger…
The Tigers unlike the wild ones are the sufferers here. They are innocent by nature and are not able to comprehend why this has happened. They crib without any comparison unlike the Goblins. Their cribbing is all statistics, all numbers; Purely Qualitative and Quantitative. Their style is characterized by the sarcasm in their comments. They show the disappointment in a polished way. But under this polish lies a beast that might be unleashed at any time. Once that beast is unleashed, God help the guys on the other side of the line!!!
The Chameleons…
These are the funniest of all the cribbers. These chameleons are not sure whether whet they have got is good or bad… So they take the color of the species around them, be it green, red, blue or white… They just follow. They generally don’t feel anything about what has happened and manage to sleep calmly even though they have cribbed whole day!!! They are generally harmless…
The Black Crow…
Black is no color and hence this is the darkest cribbing you can find in the industry. These crows actually flock together and crib only when in company of any one of the above species… They hatch a plan and somehow by hook or crook always end up with good grades… But mysteriously nobody knows of their grades… These guys crib and crib as if they have got the worst that was on offer and all this is just part of their next game plan. They get all the inside stories and what all other species are thinking and sketch the map for the next year’s appraisal. They are the cold hearted players of the game. In fact they are the GAME the whole reason of all the confusion and colors!!!
So my dear readers, you saw the cribbing use of Irony here… English is a funny language, colors can signify joy… Colors can signify melancholy…
It is up to us to decide what we want them to represent…
I thank the makers of K series for giving us titles which can be used so flexibly!!!