He saw her in the embrace of a dark beast which lay under a dingy stair of an old apartment. Suddenly, the scene switched to muddy, greyey color (flashback!!!!) and he could see all the things that had happened between them before she left…
On one Day
“Come on dude… You need to switch off the engine once you come back home man”
“haa… Ya”. “Sure, I am logging in now…Ya, I will close that and send the mail. I know it is very important”…he muttered in the phone as she was trying to kiss his eyes …
“I need to work. It is very critical…”…
“Okay… Call me once you are done”…
On one another day
He was sitting on the sofa on his laptop… She came and sat beside him… He sat there as if she didn’t exist. He absolutely ignored her!!! She felt very bad, but didn’t say anything and just left…
On yet another day
“I don’t think I can take it anymore man”
“What did I do now?”
“You have ignored him too long. I can’t stay with you”
“See… I need to work also na… This is the time of my life when I need to work hard”
“I can’t take the sound of your active grey cells no more. They are constantly making some or the other sound. Something always keeps them active. Either it is your work or the magnetic radiations from your gadgets, or all the chemicals that you consume…I can’t stay here no more man”
“What did you say? I was making the final changes to that code re… sorry. I didn’t hear you.”
“Its okay forget it”
The Fateful Friday

He returned back home that day, really exhausted, fully beaten and battered. He searched for her everywhere. He called her aloud; he drank milk which usually made her come to him. But he had ignored her far too long. He wanted her on that day. He wanted to sleep. She was no where to be seen. He had ignored her, abused her in his quest for glory and power that she had left him completely… He lay on his bed with is eyes wide open hoping that someday she will return. His beloved will return to him someday…
Swoooosh….Back to normal colors
He saw that black beast; the black dog and felt really really jealous. The dog sleeping whereas the supposedly superior species as he considered himself didn’t or couldn't. He was really angry with himself and God for making him one of this self destructing species called Homo sapiens. He had a mobile phone in his hand; one of the best money could buy. This was one of the reasons for his beloved to go. He wondered, is this the cost he has to pay of being a superior species. He didn’t want it no more.
“Take the next Left”
“Go straight… This Road end”…
“Hey Hi, Ya sure… I am logging in. Ya that will be fixed tonight… No issues…By 8am tomorrow it will be done!!!”
(I Love happy endings and this is my story… So anything that I want to, can happen here!!!)
No, he said to himself. He can’t do this anymore… He took his wallet out and… and..... swallowed that pill that the eccentric doctor had given him…
He started counting
“Bow…Bow…Arrf…. Grrrr…”….

He was no longer one of them; he was one of the beasts… He found a warm, dingy place. As he lied down, she came… She came and embraced him… Kissing his eyes…Hugging him… his Sleep was finally back with him, his beloved Sleep was back and they Lived Happily Ever After!!!