Ya, this word fell on his ears while watching XXX starring Vin Diesel. Democracy, he heard daily. The more he thought, the more the meaning of the latter in the current scenario progressed towards the former.
He had decided to do something about the conflicting meanings of Democracy.
On the 172nd page of the Webster’s (an old edition he had kept for sentimental reasons) he read,
Democracy: The political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives.
The meaning that he had experienced…
Democracy: Anarchy + government…
What an ironic concept democracy had turned out to be, a government practicing anarchy!!! He curtailed his urge to look up the meaning of Anarchy…..
He had felt helpless all throughout his life, where he had do things against his conscience. “Mr. Conscience is dead” was the phrase he quoted initially with lots of contempt and then it became a phrase he used to smile and say. He had risen in the social ladder very fast in the past 28months. His career was discussed all over the television; his books reviewed again, his interviews hosted live on sites… He was everywhere. Even though he enjoyed the importance for initial few days, once he realized what he had become he couldn’t avoid the depression. The big shot businessman, a philanthropist suddenly was appointed to be the “President of the Republic of India”, the first citizen of India… Some would say it was a great achievement. His misconception about this being an achievement surfaced as he read a bill which he was supposed to sign to be passed in the parliament house. It was the reservation bill again!!! He had seen the protests of 2006 against a similar bill. The gandhian protests didn’t really help other than making some news and taking lives of innocent patients waiting in Delhi Chikitsa Vidnyana Sunstha popularly known today as DCV the then AIIMS. The name was changed because the Delhi government said it wanted to avoid foreign language names!!! 20 years since that time and we are still talking about the same things. We still call ourselves a developing country. For god sake for how many more years we will still be a developing country!!! Today there was no protests maybe because… yes he remembered there was no such movie like RDB to provoke the agitation and that movie was already forgotten.
He was again at the crossroads in his life. Just like always, he decided to take the road less traveled, his tried and tested way to succeed. Here it was not his life but the life of billions of Indians at stake!!! The politicians had for once failed to see through him, the person they were going to put in charge of the worlds second largest army. But then, this alter ego of his had risen from the past again just 3 months back when he met the chieftains of the three armies. The ruthless, unflinching, calculating machine which didn’t take any half measures and every move was so calculated that it had to succeed.
Luckily the three chiefs were in complete agreement with him and he had the knack to convince even the demons if he believed in something. Operation Shuddhi had finally reached a stage where his dream would be made public. The whole of the armed forces including the police had been cleaned up. The plot of the coup was ready and from the next morning he would be solely responsible for whatever happens in India. He had to make some hard decisions, blood shed was a necessity and he was ready to do what it takes. Just then the phone rang….
“Vande Mataram”
“Vande Mataram sir”
“Update General…”
“The Parliament is clean sir with red blood. The zero hour session has been cleared of all the dirt. All the states have also been cleaned up. UP and Bihar were cleaned up faster than we thought though the ratio of deaths to surrender there, is more.”
“Sigh… Let there souls rest in peace”
“Operation Shuddhi phase II is a complete success sir”
“Hmmm… Phase III?”
“Troops have been mobilized for that. The rule books have been circulated in all corners of the country sir. All the rule books carry your signature”
“Hmmm… If everything goes as planned India will be a better place with no gender bias, no communal bias, no corruption and just growth. I hope history will forgive my, this act of violence. It was necessary to clean up the state before thinking of the revolution”
“You have our entire support sir”
“Thank you general. Please prepare for my speech in the morning. The press has been taken into confidence?”
“Yes sir. They were more than happy to comply”
“Hmmm… General…You and I, lets make India a better place to live. Vande Mataram”
“Vande Mataram Sir”
The Rest is Future….
This work of fiction arose from the frustration that was created with what I saw all around me. Anarchy!!! Nobody follows the law. What is the point of education when the people who break these laws are all very very well educated? The saddest part of the education we get is that there is no ethics!!! Educated people lack ethics… Look at the irony!!! Don’t you feel sick to the stomach to be associated with such a community? I do. I am trying from my side not to break the law and persuade people who do not to. What I have realized is that, just some 100 people following the law and rest 10000 breaking it makes no sense. The people following the law are the outlaws in the society today. We need a revolution. Education hasn’t been able to give the desired result. So what do we do? Well, we can learn from history. A great ruler has a great dynasty of great people. I think we need something like that. It might sound very absurd. But monarchy is any day better than anarchy. If the monarch is like the hero of the fiction above, it will definitely make a difference. Well it has its downfalls. I know that. But I had to do justice to my brain. I had to document this idea that has been itching my grey cells since long time. It’s high time, some thing happens out of the box. This Democratic Anarchy has reached its peak already…. I hope the ridicule of the word called Law stops and there will be Light again on our beautiful sub-continent….